About Preschool

We strive toward creating a safe, caring and friendly environment, which will afford children the highest quality care with learning opportunities that allow them to develop at their own rate. Teaching occurs through organised play activities in areas such as arts and crafts, manipulative and constructive play, language, music, maths, drama and movement.
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Our mobile preschool visits a wide range of villages and remote areas throughout the Lower Hunter area, to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality early childhood education. We currently have 3 vans that visit 7 venues on a weekly basis, including: Gresford, Lochinvar, Vacy, Wollombi, Mulbring, Kitchener and Cessnock East.
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As a community based service, we are managed by a Parent/Community Members Committee. This Committee meets each month, usually at our base in Maitland, and we urge parents to become involved to ensure the service continues to grow. All families have an opportunity to become involved in the running of the service.
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